EvoPhylo blog

Here is the new location for my evophylo blog. Previously when I have an hour’s enthusiasm to write something, I’ve always been put off by the sheer hassle of dealing with my hosted WordPress site. It can take me an hour to log in. Its always broken. Then I try to tweet instead, which never…

KCite plugin for WordPress blog referencing

I’ve been trying out the KCite plugin for WordPress. This has been created to make WP a better scientific publishing platform- and so far I’m really impressed. Install the plugin in the usual way, there’s nothing really to set up, just start using it. To add a reference[cite]10.1093/gbe/evr090[/cite] you have to include a shortcode in the…

WordPress ELN and data files

In my previous post I said that I needed to find out about associating data files with electronic lab book entries. I think I’ve got it sorted out now. Imagine you are recording an experiment and want to associate the actual data files with the post of your ELN blog. I don’t mean put the…

WordPress as ELN

In my previous post I said that I had been testing software and decided that the new version of WordPress would be my electronic laboratory notebook (ELN). This post details some of the reasons. WordPress is open software under a GPL license, allowing it to be distributed and modified. I really like this. There is…

Electronic Lab Books 2

Last year I posted about my search for an electronic laboratory notebook (eln). Since then I’ve had experience of several systems, and my ideas have changed quite a bit, so I thought it was time for another post. I listed a number of criteria that I thought were important for my eln. I got it…